Tuesday 26 February 2013

opi on her majesty's secret service (skyfall collection)

danas predstavljam opi on her majesty secret service iz skyfall kolekcije, i u ovom slučaju preporučujem da kliknete na slike i tako ih uvećate, da bi se videla cela njegova lepota!
when it comes to opi on her majesty secret service for the skyfall collection, i recommend clicking on photos and thus enlarging them, in order to see it's extraordinary beauty!

opi kaže da ova "mistično-zelena kalajna nijansa zahteva pažnju". moram priznati da do sad nisam znala za nijansu kalaja :D ja ga vidim kao plavičastog brata the world is not enough, i podjednako nezgodnog za opisivanje. boja je hladna čelično plavo-srebrno-siva sa raznobojnim staklastim šimerom, uglavnom zlatnim, roze, zelenim i plavim.
nije previše pigmentovan i potrebna su mu tri sloja, opet kao kod njegovog blatnjavijeg brata, ali se pokrivenost i boja lepo nadograđuju.

dosta devojaka se žalilo na čudnjikav miris, ali moj je imao tipični miris običnog laka.

prirodna svetlost:
opi says that "this misty-green pewter commands attention." i see it as the world is not enough's bluish brother, and similarly difficult to describe. it is a cool toned steel blue-pewter-silver-grey polish with multicolored glass flecks, namely gold, pink, green, and blue.

it is rather sheer and needs three coats, again as its taupe brother :D, but the opacity and color build up nicely.

many girls said that it has a weird smell, but i didn't notice it with my bottle.

natural light:

Sunday 24 February 2013

catrice rusty but sexy 560

catrice rusty but sexy 560 je moj tip narandžastog laka sa šimerom.
catrice rusty but sexy 560 is my type of orange shimmery polish!

rusty but sexy je, kao što mu ime kaže, rđkasti narandžasti lak metalik završnice (negde sam pročitala da bi tačniji opis boje bio "zagorela narandžasta"). ima zlatkasti svetlucavi šimer kada je direktno ispod izvora svetlosti.

spada u onu grupu "skoro jednoslojaca". dok se maže, ostaju blago vidljivi potezi četkice, ali ima formulu zbog koje se samoizjednačuje, tako da je sve kako treba posle par sekundi.

prirodna svetlost:
rusty but sexy is a rusty orange (i read somewhere that the more accurate description would be "burnt orange") metallic polish. it has golden sparkles when it's under direct light.

it is in the group of those "almost one-coaters" and it tends to leave visible brushstrokes while applying it, but the formula is self-leveling so it's all nice and even after a few seconds.

natural light:

Friday 22 February 2013

china glaze it's a trap-eze! + comparison with golden rose jolly jewels 115

za ovaj tematski petak se mažemo golden rose jolly jewels ili njima slične lakove. pošto sam već predstavila oba moja jj laka, 106 i 115, jedina opcija mi je china glaze it's a trap-eze!ovaj lak je deo jedne od njihovih novijih kolekcija, cirque du soleil worlds away.
for this theme friday, we are supposed to wear golden rose jolly jewels or their lookalikes. since i already presented both of my jj polishes, 106 and 115, my only option was china glaze it's a trap-eze! this polish is a part of their fairly recent cirque du soleil worlds away collection.

ok, da počnemo sa nečim što već svi znamo, a to je da su trapez i  gr jj 115 skoro pa identični: prljavo bela baza prepuna raznobojnih šljokica: zelenih, roze, belih, narandžastih, plavih.. ovo je prvi lak koji mi je privukao pažnju iz te kolekcije, i volim da ga nosim kada pada sneg.

namazala sam dva sloja preko essence peel off baze i premazala jednim  debljim slojem btgnts.
ok, let's start by stating the obvious. this polish and gr jj 115 are pretty much dupes, a dirty white base full with multicolored glitter. it was the first polish from this collection that got my attention, and i like having it on my nails in this winter time.

i wore two coats of polish over  essence peel off  base coat and sealed it with thick coat of btgnts.

Thursday 21 February 2013

40. theme friday: ruffian

za prethodni petak smo se igrale ruffian-a i polumeseca, što je bilo prilično zanimljivo. ja sam se nisam preterano proslavila po pitanju preciznosti sa grumpy break through, ali mi se sviđaju boje pa ću ponoviti nekom drugom prilikom.

sutra nas čekaju golden rose jolly jewels  lakovi i njima slični!
the last theme friday was really fun, since we played with ruffian and halfmoon , and i wasn't really successful with my grumpy break through, but i like the color combo and will try it again.

tomorrow is a day for golden rose jolly jewels and similar polishes!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

zoya roxy (masquerade)

sećam se kad sam uzela roxy, neki zoya lakovi su bili na rasprodaji i nisam mogla da odolim da ga uzmem, iako nikad nisam videla svočeve. odmah sam ga uveče namazala, i bila sam malo razočarana i nisam shvatila celu famu oko tog laka kada je originalno izašao u "masquerade" kolekciji iz 2006. ali, kada sam ga videla sutradan na prirodnom svetlu, zaljubila sam se.
i remember when i got roxy, it was on sale and i couldn't resist getting it even though i never saw the swatches. i painted my nails in the evening, and i was a bit underwhelmed and didn't quite get the hype it got in the blogging community when it initially came out in the ancient "masquerade" collection. but then, i saw in in natural light and fell in love.

jedna od stvari koja mi se sviđa kod zoya lakova je ta što imaju prilično realne slike bočica i opise na njihovom sajtu. ovo piše za roxy: "proizna ljubičasta baza sa crvenim tonom sa gustim svetlo ljubičastim šljokicama."

baza je prilično pigmentovani ljubičasti sorbet sa magenta šljokicama. definitivno su potrebna tri sloja za potpunu pokrivenost, ali je formula prilično dobra. problem je, što sam ja prilično nestrpljiva kad treba da dodam i treći sloj, što se vidi iz moje ne tako savršene aplikacije. u svakom slučaju, nokti mi izgledaju slatko i sirupasto!

prirodna svetlost:
one thing i like about zoya polishes, is that thay have pretty accurate promo pictures of the bottles and descriptions on their website. this is what they wrote abot roxy: "a sheer red-toned purple base loaded with bright purple glitter. a must-have shade for any rock star or glamour girl."

the base is actually quite pigmented purple jelly with magenta glitter. it needs three coats for complete opacity, but the formula is quite nice. the problem is, i get impatient when i have to add a third layer, which can bee seen in my imperfect application. nevertheless, i find it looks so yummy and syrupy!

natural light:

Sunday 17 February 2013

svakodnevna rutina / nailcare routine

već neko vreme planiram da pišem o svojoj dnevnoj rutini, ali sam čekala jer sam pre mesec dana počela da koristim lemony flutter od lush-a, pa sam htela da ga testiram neko vreme.
i've been waiting to post about my daily nailcare routine, because i strarted using lush's lemony flutter a month ago and i wanted to wait since i got the good impression of it.

Friday 15 February 2013

essence break through (color&go 132) + halfmoon grumpy breakthrough

odkad sam potrošila  essence gabriella, bila sam u potrazi za lakom koji bi mogao da je zameni. nije mi jasno kako nisam primećivala njihov lak iz nove color&go kolekcije, break through.
ever since i used up essence gabriella, i was on a quest to find this type of purple. i have no idea how i missed their new polish, break through (color&go 132)!

moje mišljenje je da je break through u stvari gabriella, bez onog skrivenog plavog šimera. u suštini, prelepa  ljubičasta krema sa crvenim podtonom. pošto sam, dosta nosila gabrella-u, rekla bih da će i ova bočica biti prazna do kraja leta!

nemam zamerke na formulu i pokrivenost, tako da sam verovatno konačno naučila da radim sa novom essence bočicom (nova četkica mi se od početka sviđala, ali mi je bočica bila problematična.)

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja laka + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).

prirodna svetlost na tmurnom danu:
in my opinion, break through is gabriella, but without it's hidden blue shimmer. so, basically, beautiful red toned purple creme. i really wore gabriella a lot, so i guess this bottle will be empty too by the end of the summer!

i have no complaints on formula and opacity, maybe i finally learned how to work with the new essence bottles (i liked the new brush from the beginning, but i found the bottle problematic).

i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).

natural light on a cloudy day:

Thursday 14 February 2013

39. theme friday: omiljeni lak/favourite polish

za prethodni petak smo podelile svoje omiljene lakove, što je bilo prilično zanimljivo. ja sam se na kraju odlučila za revlon facets of fuchsia.
sutra nas čekaju ruffin i polumesec manikiri, i jedva čekam da vidim ideje i kombinacije boja koje su nam devojke pripremile.
the last theme friday was really fun, since we shared or favourite polishes, and i decided on revlon facets of fuchsia.

tomorrow is a day for ruffian/half moon manis, and i can't wait to see the what kind of ideas and colour combos girls have in mind!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

layering: essence copper'ize me over china glaze heart of africa

već neko vreme obigravam oko essence šljokičavog nadlaka copper'ize me, pa sam morala da ga uzmem kad sam saznala da ga povlače.

izgledalo mi je kao da će se dobro slagati sa china glaze heart of africa, pa sam ga prvo probala u toj kombinaciji. na žalost, oblačno vreme me sprečava da pikažem slike laka bez topera, jer hoću da nekom drugom prilikom pokažem koliko je ovaj lak divan.
i've been circling around essence's topper copper'ize me for a while, but when i found out that it's being discontinued, i had to have it!

it looked to me that it would look nice layered over china glaze heart of africa, so i tried that combo. unfortunately, cloudy weather prevents me from showing the swatch of the polish itself, because it is shame not to present it as a beauty that it is.

 copper'ize me je providna baza puna sitnih bakarnih mikrošljokica, i krupnijih raznobojnih (plavih, zelenih, roze, srebrnih...). sviđa mi se kako je ispao sa HOA kao bazom, ali bih da ga probam i preko crnih.

na ovim slikama imam peel off base coat, dva sloja china glaze heart of africa + jedan sloj copper'ize me + nadlak (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS)

prirodna svetlost:
copper'ize me is a clear base filled with dense copper microglitter and larger multicolored (blue, green, silver, pink etc) glitter. i like how it looks over HOA, and i will try it over blacks also.

in these pictures, i have peel off base coat, two layers of china glaze heart of africa + one layer of copper'ize me + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS)
natural light:

Sunday 10 February 2013

catrice purplelized 430

ne znam zašto sam zapostavljala  catrice purplelized, mislim da sam ga nosila  samo jednom od kad sam ga kupila pre godinu dana (a tad je negde i povučen). baš propust, jer je lak predivan!
i have no idea why i've been putting catrice's purplelized aside, i think i wore it only once since i bought it a year ago (and it's been discontinued for a while), and it's a shame because this polish is gorgeous!

 iako ima reč "ljubičasto" u imenu, ovo nije tipična ljubičasta, više je mešavina sa patlidžan nijansom i srebrnom. lak je prepun srebrnkastog šimera, koji može da izglea i plavo i rozikasto, u zavisnosti od ugla i svetlosti, i koji mu daje skoro metalik završnicu.

sad kad gledam slike, čini mi se da bi ovaj lak odlično izgledao matiran, ali sad je kasno da to isprobam. pošto je iz stare catrice linije, ima odličnu četkicu i solidnu formulu, što daje dodatne pluseve ovom laku.

prirodna svetlost:
even though it has a word "purple" in the name, this is not a typical purple shade. it's more of a purple-eggplant-silver mixture, packed with silvery shimmer that can look blue or pink, depending on the light and angle and it gives it almost a metallic look.

now that i'm looking at the pictures, i think it would look amazing with matte top coat, but that didn't occur to me when i wore the polish. since it is from the old catrice line, it has amazing brush and a solid formula, making this polish really special.

natural light:

Friday 8 February 2013

revlon facets of fuchsia (expressionists)

za današnji temaski petak biramo omiljeni lak. teško je odlučiti se za jedan, i za mene, ovu poziciju gotovo podjednako dele  england saint george, dior czarina gold (kao moj prvi high end lak), china glaze 2nite (moj prvi  holo), ali sam se rešila da namažem revlon facets of fuchsia, pošto sam s tim lakom shvatila da sam postala lakoholičar.
today's theme is favorite polish. it's hard to choose one, and for me, this position is almost equally tied for a england saint george, dior czarina gold (as my first high end polish), china glaze 2nite (as my first holo), but i decided to wear revlon's facets of fuchsia, since it is a polish that made me realize my nail polish addiction began.

još uvek se sećam dana kad sam ga videla prvi put, skoro pre tačno godinu dana, na petak 10. 02. moja koleginica je alergična na kakao, i slučajno je popila kafu koja ga je imala malo i dobila blagi osip na licu, pa me zamolila da odem s njom do obližnje parfimerije da uzme nešto da ga prekrije. krenula sam s njom i iz razloga što nisam imala pojma da imamo parfimeriju preko puta posla, i, naravno, nisam ponela novčanik.

sa vrata sam ga spazila i odmah se zaljubila. pošto se ovo ne događa u srbiji, i koleginica mi nije toliko bliska, bilo mi je neprijatno da tražim novac od nje, nije mi zvučalo kao smak sveta da sačekam da ga uzmem kad krenem kući. ali, kao što to obično biva, eksperiment se razvukao i kad sam krenula kući, parfimerija je bila zatvorena.

tada su počele halucinacije! sledećeg dana, u subotu, sam imala DJ nastup u austriji, i već je bilo osmišljeno da ću da nosim ljubičastu haljinu sa crnim zvezdicama. pošto sam sad u beogradu i nemam haljinu sa sobom, evo slike sa žurke:
i still remember the day i saw it for the first time, almost exactly one year ago, on the friday 10. 02. my colleague is allergic to cocoa, and she accidentaly drank some coffee with it and got a mild rash and asked me to go to with her to the nearby drugstore to get something to cover it up. i went with her since i had no idea we head a drugstore across the street, but i didn't take my wallet.

and bam! i saw facets of fuchsia and immediately fell in love. since this is not serbia, and i'm not that close with this colleague, it felt awkward to borrow money form her so i decided to get it on my way home. but, as it always happen, i had a lot of work to finish, and when i went home. the store was closed.

that's when the hallucinations began! on the next day, which was saturday, i was DJing in austria, and from the beginning wanted to wear my purple dress with black stars. since i'm in belgrade now and don't have the dress with me, here's the pic from the event:

u mojoj glavi, ova haljina je mogla da se nosi samo ako imam revlon na noktima,  i da, ako ne budem imala taj lak, moj dj set neće valjati ničemu. sve u svemu, celu noć sam mislila kako ću ustati u cik zore da odem u tu parfimeriju (jer je jedina u kojoj sam ga videla) pre nego što krenemo za austriju. i dalje mi nije jasno kako sam se iskontrolisala da to ne uradim, i ipak sačekala ponedeljak da ga kupim.

jedna od omiljenih kombinacija uz koju nosim ovaj lak je današnja, uz moje ljubičasto-crne karirane pantalone:
in my head, this dress could only be worn with revlon on my nails, and that if i don't have the polish, my dj set would completely suck. that drugstore was the only one i saw the polish in, so, the entire friday night i thought about going there on a saturday morning before we start our journey to austria, but somehow managed to bring myself back to normality and decided to wait until monday morning!

now, one of my fav combos with the polish is how i'm wearing it now, with my black&purple checkered pants:

Thursday 7 February 2013

38. theme friday: french

tema prethodne nedelje je bila francuski manikir, klasičan ili neobičan. učestvovala sam sa kombinacijom  chic reloaded+awaken. sutrašnja tema je vrlo zanimljiva - omiljeni lak!
the last theme friday was all about french manicures, classical or unusual! i participated with chic reloaded+awaken combo. tomorrow's theme is very interesting, it's favorite polish!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

essence life is a freeride (snow jam limited edition)

stvarno je vreme da konačno objavim sličice laka life is a freeride iz essence snow jam kolekcije, pošto je ovo treći put da ga nosim od kad sam ga uzela pre par nedelja. iako sam rešila da ne uzimam više lakove iz ovih kolekcija, nisam mogla da preskočim ovu lepotu!
it is a time to finally post pictures of essence's life is a freeride from the snow jam limited edition, since this is the third time i'm wearing it since i bought it a couple of weeks ago. even though i decided to pass on essence limited editions, this baby was too gorgeous to miss!
life is a freeride-top of the ice-stream-goofy-blue-lilac is my style

a kakva je ovo teal lepota! lak je vrlo pigmentovan, skoro jednoslojac sa fantastičnom formulom i prilično gustim šimerom zbog kog je skoro frosty. vrlo je teško verno uhvatiti boju, i zeleni podton je za nijansu intenzivniji nego što to slike pokazuju. takođe, lak ima neki neobičan sjaj koji se ne može preneti na fotografije.

jedina mana je taj da žuti nokte, ali se boja izvuče posle nekoliko dana. sledeća dva puta sam nosila dupli sloj baze, pa nisam imala problema sa flekama.
prirodna svetlost:
and what a teal beauty this is! the polish is highly opaque, almost a one coater with an amazing formula, with such a dense shimmer bordering on being frosty. it is very difficult to photograph it, and it has a slightly more green that the pictures convey. it also have a certain glow within that can't be transferred into photographs.

the only bad thing is that it stains a bit, but it wears off after a couple of days. for the next two times i wore it, i did a double layer of base coat so no staining happened.
natural light:

Sunday 3 February 2013

new in & old out december 2012 and january 2013

odmah moram da kažem da je ovo poslednji put da kačim novitete na dvomesečnom nivou jer izgleda zastrašujuće. da, bilo je tu blog rasprodaja i poklona, ali, opet je strašno. od sad ću praviti ovakve postove na mesečnom nivou, da olakšam savest!
i have to say, this will be the last time i do a post about bimonthly buys because it looks scary. yes, there were blog sales and gifts, but scary nonetheless. so, from now on, i will do monthly posts to ease my conscience!
a england: perceval, dorian grey, tess d'urbervillse, saint george, tristam, jane eyre

illamasqua kink, taint; cirque french roast

coco blue, blue rebel, malice, gris montaigne, paradoxal, rose confidentiel, attraction

rose confidentiel was a gift from the amazing ix! thanks!

china glaze: passion of the pacific,  turned up turquoise,  frostbite, let's groove, bff

china glaze: whirled away, it's a trap-eze!, jamaican out,  water you waiting for, hanging in the balance,  running in circles

golden rose jolly jewels: 115 & 106

nfu oh aqua base, catrice on the bright side of life, essence life is a freeride, copper'ize me!

opi  nicki minaj mini: fly,  did it on 'em,  pink friday,  save me
nicki minaj minis were gift from wonderful z.!
opi: designer... de better,  ds diamond, i have a herring probem, on her majesty's secret  service, suzi loves cowboys, ds fantasy, cuckoo for this color

essence alice had a vision again
essence one kiwi  a day
ibd meteorite
depend crackle 5026

pošto sam prva dva laka prosledila, mislila sam da će biti dosadno da okačim sliku dve prazne flašice. zato moram da vam pokažem šta se dogodilo mom depend crackle laku koji mi je stacioniran kod dečka. kad sam htela da ga mažem, otkrila sam da se potpuno sasušio:
since the first two polishes i gave away, i thought it would be boring to photograph only 2 empty bottles. but, i have to show what happened to my depend crackle polish. i kept it at my bf's, and when i wanted to use it, this is what i saw, weird, right? :